September 30, 2008

"E fiz questão de não fotografar ou filmar o nascimento do Vicente. Você sabe, a gente guarda melhor aquilo que não pode ser reproduzido."

walter salles : revista tpm

September 29, 2008

Previously on Brothers & Sisters...

Saul: Look at us. I'm in my 60s, and we're like in high school, at a slumber party.

Kevin: Does high school ever end, Uncle Saul?

Saul: No, Kevin. It's like taxes. We're doomed to repeat it year after year.


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Kitty: Exactly. That's why the videographers don't really need me.

Gary: Well, someone's gotta ask the questions, Kitty.

Kitty: I mean, come on. I just think we need somebody who's (...) more high-profile. A celebrity maybe.

Gary: We're Republicans. Our one celebrity's busy running California.


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Nora: I cannot get my family together without the roof blowing off.

Isaac: It's a lot better than how I grew up. My father taught us to keep our trap shut. Nobody spoke in our house, you know? So consider yourself lucky. It's loud here, but it's the truth, and the truth sets you free.


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Nora: Before cell phones, no one had this much to say to each other.


September 28, 2008

- You went to the UN for the first time. How was that experience?

- You know, it was just amazing, so many interesting people. Though I have to say I was disheartened by how many of them were foreigners. I promise that when Senator McCain and I are elected, we're going to get those jobs back in American hands!

tina fey | amy poehler : saturday night live

September 27, 2008

September 21, 2008

September 16, 2008

Heute würde ich dich anrufen und abends würden wir feiern.

September 15, 2008

Passamos o dia vendo fotos!

alice : festa de lançamento

September 14, 2008

- You know, Hillary and I don't agree on everything.
- Anything.

- I believe diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy.
- And I can see Russia from my house.

- I believe global warming is caused by men.
- And I believe it's just God holding us closer.

- I don't agree with the Bush doctrine.
- I don't know what that is...

tina fey | amy poehler : saturday night live

September 11, 2008

K: Ela não namorava um menino?
Ta: É, mas ele morando lá, ela aqui. Ele começou a ficar com umas meninas, ela também. Daí decidiram terminar.

September 7, 2008

je mets qui je veux dans mon lit
je mets ce que je veux dans mon verre

sinclair : supernova superstar

September 3, 2008

Depois de 11 horas e meia...

Viva o F5!

madonna : sticky & sweet tour

September 2, 2008